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NuShore is a new approach to coastal nourishment

NuShore has long recognized the need to reclaim beachfront real estate lost to natural erosion and longshore currents. There is a need for a system that offers durability, easy installation and removal, is environmentally friendly and offers a cost-effective solution. NuShore has been patented in the US, it provides a natural alternative to a traditional beach restoration. The system can be used in conjunction with other natural beach nourishment methods that mitigate erosion, such as native dune vegetation and sand fencing. NuShore, with its flexibility and cost-effective solution can be reinstalled when needed, prolongs the life of costly beach nourishment projects and prevents the loss of sand to natural and storm erosion.

Reclaiming our shores

Here at NuShore, our objective is to utilize the force of wind, waves and tidal current to reverse the effects of erosion and regenerate a dry beachfront. Our system also effectively provides storm protection for upland structures and increases the habitat for marine life and shorebirds. One level of storm protection helps widen the beach and extend the shoreline seaward. It is accomplished through temporary installation of a series of NuShore porous groynes from just above the mean high waterline seaward, approximately 150 feet. When the desired width is accomplished, NuShore may be removed and stored away for future reinstalments. When wave attenuation structures in the breakwater zone cause excessive sand buildup that interferes with longshore sand transport, the wave attenuation devices may be repositioned to deeper water, lessening the resistance to waves and stabilizing the beach equilibrium. A wider beach creates an opportunity for windblown sand to travel to the dune system. Dune fencing and native vegetation plantings capture the windblown sand and help regenerate sand banks, offering another level of storm protection for upland structures. Repositioning structures is accomplished by inserting an inflatable lift-bag into the assembly, inflating it till it rises, reposition the structure and deflating the lift-bag.

Project Area With Artificial Reefs Installed

Project Area Under Total Beach Management